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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

PrintControl ActiveX download box appears everytime the users try to print the Crystal Report

Hey folks,

This is something I have faced after installing FP 3.2 on SAP BusinessObjects XI 3.1 SP3. The users started complaining that they are being asked to download the PrintControl everytime they tried to print the Crystal Report.

Here is some information you might be interested in.

Cause:ActiveX PrintControl is a part of a cab file, which is downloaded from the Web Application Server. SAP BusinessObjects compares the version of the PrintControl.dll which is installed on the users machine with the version mentioned in crv.js file. If the version of the plugin mismatches it tries to download the file to the client machine and install the plugin. The problem appears if the version mentioned in the crv.js is different than the version of the PrintControl.dll. (Note: There are two dlls with the same name, one of them is inside the cab file which the BusinessObjects server is interested in).

1. Open C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Tomcat55\webapps\CrystalReports\crystalreportviewers\js\crviewer\crv.js in notepad.
2. Identify the line similar to this: bobj.crv.ActxPrintControl_Version= #12,3,2,XXX#;
3. Open C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Tomcat55\webapps\CrystalReports\crystalreportviewers\ActiveXControls\
4.Extract the PrintControl.dll to desktop (temporary); right click on it, select Properties and go to version tab to check its version.
5. Compare the two versions - they should be identical. If not, adjust the value in crv.js to reflect that of the PrintControl.dll.



  1. I found the same problem myself and corrected it.

    It is still very slow to bring up the activex print dialogue though.

    Do you know how to speed this up?

  2. Thanks for the instructions. It works great. Took me 3 days unil I found your blog.


  3. thanks, that saved us a lot of headaches..
